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NEW CATTERY Registration (Form 1)

This form is used for first time cattery registrations.

Application form to be accompanied by proof of club membership, signed Code of Ethics and proof of payment.



STUD Registration (Form 2)

This form is used for stud registrations.

Application form to be completed by veterinarian and submitted together with proof of payment.







LITTER Registration (Form 3)

This form is used for registration of a litter.

All kittens born in a litter must be registered.






TRANSFER CFSA Registered cat/kitten (Form 4)

This form is used to transfer a CFSA registered cat or kitten to a new owner's name.

Transfer of kittens under 6 months of age is free.  Breeders are welcome to do the transfers together with the registration of litters.




REGISTRATION NON-CFSA Registered cat/kitten (Form 5a)

This form is used to transfer a NON-CFSA registered cat or kitten to a new owner's name.  NON-CFSA registered applies to cats of kittens registered with other registration bodies in South Africa.



REGISTRATION Imported Registered cat/kitten (Form 5b)

This form is used to transfer an imported registered cat or kitten to a new owner's name.  Any kitten/cat that has been imported from overseas. Always submit pedigrees with registration form.



REGISTRATION of a Domestic Pet (Form 6)

This form is used to register a domestic pet for show purposes.






NEUTER/SPAY notification (Form 7)

This form is used to advise the Registrar when a cat has been altered.  This is essential for correct accurate show record keeping.




MATING Certificate (Form 8)

This form is used when a stud owned by another breeder was used for a mating and should be completed and signed by both the queen and the stud's owners.





CATTERY RENEWAL application (Form 9)

This form is used to renew a cattery on an annual basis before 28 February every year or as advised by CFSA EXCO.  The form needs to be accompanied by a signed copy of the CFSA BREEDERS CODE OF ETHICS.





RECLASSIFICATION of a cat/kitten (Form 10a)

This form is used by a breeder/owner who needs to rectify the colour and/or pattern of a cat.





PEDIGREE Amendments / Document duplication (Form 10b)

This form is used when a breeder/owner applies for an amendment of a pedigree and/or any duplicate documentation



© CFSA 1997  I  Designed and Updated by NCIE  I  All Rights Reserved

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