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2016 AGM


All fully paid-up CFSA members are welcome to attend!

Saturday, 20 February 2016


Ground Floor, Circle Chambers, 570 Fehrsen Street, Pretoria



Extract from the CFSA Constitution:




9.1. Nominations for two of the positions of President, Treasurer, Chairperson or Secretary shall be called for every two years through any accredited publication of the Federation.


9.2. Nominations may come from any fully paid up member of the Federation, supported by the names and the signatures of two other fully paid up members of the Federation, and the signature of consent to accept the position by the nominee.


9.3. All persons seeking positions on the Executive Committee must be found morally and ethically acceptable by the sitting Executive Committee, in accordance with the ideals of the Federation as laid down in this constitution and, where necessary be in possession of specific qualifications to perform their duties. Such nominated persons shall be included in the voting schedules for Executive Committee positions.


9.3.1. In the event of objection to the Executive Committee’s decision in this regard, the objection can be lodged at an Annual General Meeting and a two thirds majority vote of the members shall be required to overrule the objection.


9.3.2. In the event of the resignation of any of the President, Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer during the term of office, the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt a suitable person to complete the term of office with one year probation, provided due cognizance is given to previous nominations for the positions.


9.4. The list of nominations of each position shall be circulated to all members together with the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Federation.


9.5. Voting shall be in the form of written ballot and shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation.  Proxies and postal votes that are in the hands of the Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting shall be included in the vote.


9.5.1. Proxy votes shall be applicable to fully paid up members of the Federation who are unable to attend the meeting. A Proxy vote shall be termed when a fully paid up member of the Federation nominates another fully paid up member of the Federation who shall be attending the Annual General Meeting, to vote on behalf of the proxy voter as the receiver of the proxy vote sees fit.


9.5.2. Postal votes shall be applicable to fully paid up members of the Federation who are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting.”




  • Proxy Votes:

Signed Proxy Votes must be physically in the hands of the CFSA Secretary, 48-hours prior to the AGM (closing on 18 February 2016, at 10:30am).  


  • Postal Votes:

Signed Postal Votes must be physically in the hands of the CFSA Secretary, 48-hours prior to the AGM (closing on 18 February 2016, at 10:30am).  











Contact the CFSA Secretary, Brenda Neukircher, for more information:



+27(0) 83 448 4366  I   E-MAIL   I   FACEBOOK 

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