2002 Cat of the Year Results
COTY 2002

Results of our annual CFSA Cat of the Year event can be viewed below. Cats/Kittens compete during a calendar year for Top 10 all breeds positions in their respective divisions. The Top 10 qualifiers are all awarded National Qualifier status and the cats/kitten in first place, is awarded National Winner status.
Special Awards are awarded on a calendar year's performance and include recognition for the top Triple Supremes, Veterans, Super Pet, Sire, Dam, Litters and Cattery of the Year.
The 2002 COTY event was held on 12 October 2002, at the Emperor's Palace

Cuddles Long Hair Brown Silver Tabby Owned by R Alli

Kernes Rustler Caylon of Anco, NW Bred by M Kernes Owned by A van der Merwe

Chattapaws Tuiti Fruiti of Mee'Ousers, NW Bred by M Findlay Owned by C Gardner

L'Exquisite Count Pushkin, NW Bred by B Neukircher Owned by N Hodgson

Vogue Video Image, NW Bred by G Byleveldt Owned by C Venter
2nd Pet: Rainbow I Shorthair Smoke Calico I Owned by K Beyers
3rd Pet: Scooter Mr Cute I Short Hair Tabby and White I Owned by A Chivell & A Killian
4th Pet: Kitty I Short Hair Red Tabby I Owned by K Beyers
5th Pet: Koobi The Bear I Long Hair Black I Owned by K Beyers
6th Pet: Sunshine I Owned by A Frankish
7th Pet: Smudge I Short Hair Black I Owned by K Matthews
8th Pet: Lilah I Long Hair Tortie I Owned by A Krankish
9th Pet: Leroy I Long Hair Tabby I Owned by K Beyers
10th Pet: Bilbo Baggins I Short Hair Tabby I Owned by P Erasmus
2nd Kitten: Taldi Pinky Winky, NQ I Bred by J Groenewald and I Taylor I Owned by PC and H Bekker
3rd Kitten: Royal Tatiana, NQ I Bred by E le Roux I Owned by E le Roux
4th Kitten: Chaterley's Double Delight, NQ I Bred by Bester and Du Pisani I Owned by PC and H Bekker
5th Kitten: Avante Garde Fortissimo Uno of Ambrosia, NQ I Bred by P van den Heever and P van Tonder I
Owned by K Bainbridge
6th Kitten: Conqueror Icy Manchuria, NQ I Bred by A and P Solomon I Owned by A and P Solomon
7th Kitten: Sarasilk African Amarula, NQ I Bred by M McGlew I Owned by D Khaled
8th Kitten: Avante Garde Gentleman, NQ I Bred by P van den Heever and P van Tonder I Owned by
P van den Heever and P van Tonder
9th Kitten: Ras-Mani Kizmi Candace, NQ I Bred by J Paul I Owned by J Paul
10th Kitten: Nizat Swerve of Zigzag, NQ I Bred by C da Luz I Owned by M van der Merwe
2nd Female: Telltail's Molina, NQ I Bred by J Korva I Owned by A and P Solomon
3rd Female: Zzaby's Gotta Wear Shades of Ras-Mani, NQ I Bred by D Dillard I Owned by J Paul
4th Female: Windseeker Wendabeth Gale of Avante Garde, NQ I Bred by E M Kotro I Owned by
P van den Heever and P van Tonder
5th Female: Taigha Jade Amethyst, NQ I Bred by L Arends-Wagner I Owned by L Arends-Wagner
6th Female: Chattapaws Amy Rula of Mee'Ousers, NQ I Bred by M Findlay I Owned by C Gardner
7th Female: Farukin Baltic Mikado, NQ I Bred by K Kauppi I Owned by A and P Solomon
8th Female: Ras-Mani Q T Blue Jeans, NQ I Bred by J Paul I Owned by J Paul
9th Female: Wedgwood Operetta Catafly, NQ I Bred by A Hosford I Owned by A Hosford
10th Female: Kitlings Miss Mingshui Miao, NQ I Bred by J Versfeld I Onwed by J Versfeld
2nd Male: Kernes Sultan, NQ I Bred by M Kernes I Owned by M Kernes
3rd Male: Avante Garde King Leo, NQ I Bred by P van den Heever and P van Tonder I Owned by
A Chivell and A Killian
4th Male: QT Cats Oscar De La Renta of Purrmor, NQ I Bred by C de Jager I Owned by R Phillpotts
5th Male: Avante Garde Teardrop, NQ I Bred by P van den Heever and P van Tonder I Owned by
P van den Heever and P van Tonder
6th Male: Mousekateers Billi II of Flamboyant, NQ I Bred by J Kilpatric I Owned by M Nel
7th Male: Taldi Zorro-Piccadillo of Taigha, NQ I Bred by J Groenewald and I Taylor I Owned by L Arends-Wagner
8th Male: Helshar Jumpin' Jack of Catzi-Cu, NQ I Bred by H and S Kelly I Owned by M Brits
9th Male: Helshar Charlies Legacy of Terles, NQ I Bred by H and S Kelly I Owned by T Atkinson
10th Male: Shakita Ezluvin, NQ I Bred by B Reid I Owned by PC Bekker
2nd Neuter: Kernes Dakota Dream, NQ I Bred by M Kernes I Owned by A van der Merwe
3rd Neuter: Kernes Texas Ranger, NQ I Bred by M Kernes I Owned by M Kernes
4th Neuter: Conqueror H2O Smoke of Pashapaws, NQ I Bred by A and P Solomon I Owned by T Kenny
5th Neuter: Tjaka Mentate, NQ I Bred by A Steenekamp I Owned by K and G Matthews
6th Neuter: La Montanara Flambeau, NQ I Bred by H Hoffman I Owned by H Hoffman
7th Neuter: Avante Garde Kiara, NQ I Bred by P van den Heever and P van Tonder I Owned by M and N Hoffman
8th Neuter: Jozannes Sasha, NQ I Bred by S A Joubert I Owned by V Glass
9th Neuter: Avante Garde Amore, NQ I Bred by P van den Heever and P van Tonder I Owned by P van den Heever
and P van Tonder
10th Neuter: Pangur Ban Philo, NQ I Bred by B Donnellan I Owned by B Donnellan
Tigger Boy I Long Hair Brown Spotted Tabby I Owned by C Danziger and D Viviers
Blue Fox Van Lolo I Bred by N Kamata I Owned by G de Kock
Kernes Silver Dollar I Bred by M Kernes I Owned by J Volf
© Ronnie Magic 2002

© Ronnie Magic 2002
© Ronnie Magic 2002